[Tigers] Hose clamps

michael king michael.s.king at gmail.com
Tue May 23 19:31:12 MDT 2023

Chris, there was a list on the TEAE website i think.. and maybe in the list
if you search the archive.

What i will say, the Rootes wire screw clamps aree available from MOSS
iirc.. the tiger used a few USA ford clamps on various hoses and then there
are the odd sardine clamps for the servo hose (iirc moss has them.. if
not.. there was a parts source on CAT forum maybe 4 months back ..
seach "austinhealer" as the poster.

On Wed, 24 May 2023 at 07:59, chris cthompson.net via Tigers <
tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:

> My car, B382000331 is a 30 year old restoration.  It passed through Norm’s
> hands, who did a bit of work on it before selling it.  It won 2nd place
> in the original category on the west coast Tiger gathering just before I
> bought it from a feller in Hayward, CA.  It won’t win any concours today,
> but I’m still emphatic about keeping it original.  What I would like to do
> next is get all the hose clamps to be original configuration. Does anyone
> have a list of the clamp sizes/types used?  Or even better, a source of
> supply?  I’ve put together a partial list, and found some suppliers, but a
> lot is missing.
> Thanks!  Chris
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Michael King
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