[Tigers] Factory steel wheels

michael king michael.s.king at gmail.com
Tue May 24 21:30:08 MDT 2022


The factory steel wheels were a satin black and the front side foam grey (
the off white looking colour) on the front face with overspray going
through the holes.

The later reinforced wheels were also used on all other rootes cars. They
have a small pyramid pressing aiming at each wheel stud hole.

DO NOT!!  Leave the nut faces in the mounting hole recess painted. It will
allow movement and can lead to the nuts coming undone and the holes ovaling
and creating movement in the wheel.

Check any wheel for the mounting holes being ovaled.

On Tuesday, 24 May 2022, Joel Martin via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net>

> Purchased a stock steel wheel to use as a spare as opposed to a 13" LAT 70
> which is too tall against the trunk shelf.
> How do you determine the difference between the "early factory steel
> wheel" and the "later factory steel wheel (reinforced) Mk1a/Mk2?  What
> color code should the later reinforced Mk1a wheel be painted?
> [image: Inline image]
> Thanks
> Joel


Michael King
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