[Tigers] HACK-'N-TAC
Tom Witt
atwittsend at verizon.net
Wed Mar 22 15:58:04 MDT 2017
Well, if we could see the rivets ... . :-)
Seriously though this has come up before without a clear cut answer (and
just who is "ordained" to answer it anyway)??? It seems a matter of flow.
By that, if Alpine parts move towards the meager remains of a Tiger, it
still remains a Tiger. But if Tiger parts flow to an Alpine it becomes an
Alger. The wisest thing seems to be to have the car TAC-ed BEFORE any
restoration - regardless of dilapidation. Is the day coming when a basket
case (but verifiable) Tiger dipped in POR-15 is worth more than a nicely
restored Tiger with considerable replacement parts that question its
-----Original Message-----
From: Norman C. Miller via Tigers
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 8:31 PM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: [Tigers] HACK-'N-TAC
If the end result of this "rebuild" was every presented for a TAC
inspection, anyone care to speculate on the odds a certificate would
be awarded?
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