[Tigers] Tiger Engine Numbers

Tod Brown todbrown at roadrunner.com
Mon Dec 7 11:30:08 MST 2015


You might want to get in touch with Ron Fraser (rfraser at bluefrog.com) as 
he has done a lot
of similar work on Tiger engines as well as a lot more. We have been 
publishing his studies in
/Rootes Review /over the past year or so. I am sure Ron would be pleased 
to share with you.

Tod Brown
Editor, /Rootes Review
TAC 864


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2015 07:20:55 +0000 (UTC)
From: Brian Glenn<ora_archy at yahoo.com>
To: Tiger Forum<Tigers at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Tigers] Tiger Engine Numbers
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All,?Attached is a graphic and table?I constructed in Excel on the Tiger engine series from the BON, Chapter 11 (painfully transcribed) and data I've gathered from car sales, shows, United, etc.? It is draft, but I think provides a source of discussion.? I've circulated it to a few people prior to this post and it seems to provide a good starting point for further refinement.?What I would like to get from the group is insight into errors, omissions, etc.? If you'd care to chime in through this site or to my personal email, I would love to add your data (with photo and other source support) to a revised graphic suitable for publication on one of the Tiger sites so that we can all get a better sense of the history of the engines series.?Thanks and I hope you find this informative.Brian?Brian Glenn
  P.O. Box 578
  Julian, CA 92036-0578
  B9470208LRXFE GT
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