[Tigers] Tiger Engine Numbers

Brian Glenn ora_archy at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 7 00:20:55 MST 2015

All, Attached is a graphic and table I constructed in Excel on the Tiger engine series from the BON, Chapter 11 (painfully transcribed) and data I've gathered from car sales, shows, United, etc.  It is draft, but I think provides a source of discussion.  I've circulated it to a few people prior to this post and it seems to provide a good starting point for further refinement. What I would like to get from the group is insight into errors, omissions, etc.  If you'd care to chime in through this site or to my personal email, I would love to add your data (with photo and other source support) to a revised graphic suitable for publication on one of the Tiger sites so that we can all get a better sense of the history of the engines series. Thanks and I hope you find this informative.Brian Brian Glenn
 P.O. Box 578
 Julian, CA 92036-0578
 B9470208LRXFE GT
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