[Tigers] Tiger 1A nomenclature

rande rande at thecia.net
Sat Sep 15 13:35:25 MDT 2012

Just something to think about.

While I was attending the Reno United this year, someone, whose Tiger knowledge
I respect, pointed out that maybe we in the Tiger hobby should stop referring
the Tiger v.2 as a Tiger 1A, because Rootes never used that nomenclature in
any of their publications. For the brochures, they just used Sunbeam Tiger (or
Sunbeam Alpine V8 for Euro cars)to cover both I and IA, and MK II for, well,
Mark II's. The parts catalogs seemed to use Mark I and Mark II, and ocassionally
the VIN prefix (B947, B382,etc).

This person suggested instead to use the VIN prefix(i.e. 'I've got a B382, or
'I've got a B947'.

What does the group think?

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