[Tigers] 2012 Summer Summit Trip Invitation

michael@michaelshortt.com michaelsavga at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 12:42:30 MDT 2012

Although I'm new here I thought I would invite any interested Tiger owners
to join me and about 9 other Panteras
as we spend a weekend in the NC/GA mtns near Asheville, NC this coming June
8,9, and 10.

You can get complete details on my website at www.michaelspantera.com

Love to have some Tigers in the mix.

We will be driving on the Tail of the Dragon, The Cherohala Skyway, The
Blue Ridge Parkway, having dinners,
staying in really nice cabins and on Sunday, many folks will head off to
tour the Biltmore Estate.

If you would like to be included, please drop me an email.

Michael Shortt

Michael L. Shortt
Savannah, Georgia
michael at michaelshortt.com

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