[Tigers] FW: Two Questions

Jim jimmc13 at hughes.net
Thu Apr 5 15:17:47 MDT 2012

Many thanks for all the responses, now I know the hole is supposed to be in
the bottom of the trunk and I have created a useful list of penetrating oils
to select from based upon your input.  See below for picture of the 'hole',
if it makes it.  The undercoating will be cleaned up.
Thanks again.
Jim McLaughlin

From: Jim [mailto:jimmc13 at hughes.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 7:36 AM
To: 'tigers at Autox.Team.Net'
Subject: Two Questions

Morning Listers:

My 1966 is in the shop and progress being made on the body work, this
prompts 2 questions:

1.	Below the spare tire hold down bracket, is there a hole in the trunk
pan sheet metal which would have a grommet or is it open to the outside
world?  If a grommet, what is diameter? Or is there no hole?
2.	In the recent thread on vent window removal, one of you listed a
penetrating oil with a name beginning with an "I" I think.  What is that
stuff, better than Kroil or PB?

Thanks for the help.  I'll be back with more [questions]!
Jim McLaughlin

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