[Shop-talk] Wholesale Auto Parts

David Scheidt dmscheidt at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 10:41:22 MDT 2007

On 10/8/07, Wayne <wmc_st at xxiii.com> wrote:
> Randall wrote:
> >> You can't blame a shop for looking to make
> >> a buck.
> >
> > I'm sorry, John, I simply disagree.  What you are talking about is fraud,
> > pure and simple.  It is wrong.  It is illegal.
> I've gotta agree with Randall on this.  I'm 41;  I've NEVER found a pro' mechanic that wasn't doing something a little shady.  At *best* they just overcharged

The shops I've worked in didn't.  We screwed up from time to time, but
we never did anything shady.

There is a difference between what you do on a customer's car and what
you do to your own, though.  On a customer's car, you take a belt off
to replace an alternator, you replace it, unless it's clearly new.
You might do that on your own car, because you know how long that belt
has been there,
and it's easy enough to replace.  The customer, however, will blame
you if the belt breaks in a week, even though it's not your fault.
Yes, that means things get replaced early.
David Scheidt
dmscheidt at gmail.com

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