[Mgs] 1975 MG Hi-Torque Starter Motor Recommendations

PaulHunt73 paulhunt73 at virginmedia.com
Tue Aug 24 08:53:09 MDT 2021

It's not so much the make as the supplier.  There are a few motor 
manufacturers that supply for many different marques and models with 
adapters to suit.  It's the adapter that is important, which positions the 
motor and solenoid correctly for the MGB.  One version has a captive bolt as 
the adapter/motor arrangement does not allow it to be fitted at the time of 
installation without dismantling, I'd avoid that type.

Also the number of teeth on the pinion can vary - pre-engaged (10 except V8 
which has 9) differ to inertia (9) for example, so you need to get one for 
your engine/gearbox i.e. nominally the year, unless it is non-standard.


----- Original Message ----- 
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good make? I see several are

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