[Mgs] Window regulator restoration

Barrie Robinson barrob at bell.net
Thu Oct 22 07:08:39 MDT 2020

Sorry folks !    I leapt before I looked.   The right stuff is available 
from Moss and others. But I will also pursue the slippy plastic idea 
just for savage fun.


On 10/21/2020 5:16 PM, Barrie Robinson wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I am trying to restore my MGB GT window regulators and any advice 
> would be appreciated.   The fuzzy stuff in the slides on both side of 
> the glass is more than sad and obviously needs replacing - but with 
> what?   I was considering using that slippy plastic Delrin or 
> something better as Delrin does not like water   There are many 
> options and I will have to find a knowledgeable supplier to supply the 
> right stuff and the right shape.   I am assuming the outside runners 
> can be move in and out to allow glass to slide up an down !!!???   Not 
> looking forward to this !!! /Where can I get new ones/??
> Barrie
> MGB GT V8 replica!
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