[Mgs] Battery Cable

Charley & Peggy Robinson ccrobins at ktc.com
Sun Apr 13 09:14:26 MDT 2014

I'm trying to source a positive battery cable for my '69 MGB roadster.  
This is the long one that runs from the positive post on the battery 
forward to the starter.  It must be at least 6' long . Victoria British 
shows one but it's on backorder.    The Moss catalogue is ambiguous in 
its application description, so I'm not sure of the correct part #.  I 
spoke to Kevin Dodd at Moss this morning - remember him?  He used to be 
a frequent contributor here. He wasn't sure about the cable part # 
either; suggested I call back tomorrow when all the staff would be there.

Meanwhile, if anyone knows of another USA source for this cable, I'd 
appreciate the help.


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