[Mgs] MGA

Barney Gaylord barneymg at mgaguru.com
Sat Feb 6 22:50:41 MST 2010

1. Early pruduction 4 PSI pressure cap was superceded by the 7 PSI 
pressure cap.  That means earlier cars should be changed to 7 PSI 
whenever the cap needs to be replaced (or immediately if the 4 PSI 
cap causes problems).

2. Horn is mounted on a bracket on inboard side of the front frame 
extension below the body air pan.

3. Valve cover must be vented for proper crankcase ventillation.  All 
MGA and early MGB thru early 1964 had a 1/2" hose connection from 
front air cleaner to valve cover, and a 1/2" draft pipe on the front 
tappet cover.  If you buy a valve cover with no vent you need to add one.

When the cars got PCV (Positive Cranckcase Ventillation) with vacuum 
in the crankcase in mid 1964, they used an oil filler cap with 
restrictor vent and internal air filter.  When the cars got fuel 
vapor recovery for the 1970 model year they used a 1/2" hose from 
carbon cannister to valve cover with a restrictor orifice at entry to 
the valve cover.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

At 04:26 PM 2/6/2010 -0500, Weberstevej at aol.com wrote:
>.... 1959 MGA ....
>1. Four or seven pound radiator cap? ....
>2. Where exactly is a single note horn mounted? Does it mount to 
>the  body mount reinforcing bracket on the radiator duct panel using 
>the  bolts that attaches body to frame? Or does it mount to the 
>inner fender  panel or somewhere else on the radiator duct panel?
>3. I'm looking to purchase an aluminum valve cover, but I'm 
>uncertain as to whether I should get one with the breather tube or 
>without. Seems like most of  the MGA's I've seen with the aluminum 
>covers do not have this breather. Is there  another way to vent the 
>valve train, or is this just ignored?

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