[Mgs] Miata Question

Wilkmanracing at aol.com Wilkmanracing at aol.com
Fri Feb 22 21:01:14 MST 2008

>>>>>I suspect you're not part of that group, Steve, but I  always wonder 
whythey bother buying this car >>>>>(same with the  BMW Z-series cars) if 
theydon't really enjoy the wind in their hair!
I understand what you're saying.  I, too, prefer to drive top down and  I 
tend to scowl at those who seem never to have the top down.  But there is  a 
matter of reality that needs to be considered.  The tops on our British  classics 
are a royal pain in the ass to put up and down.  When my dad was  using his 
MGA as a daily driver in the 1960s, the top went up in November and  didn't come 
down until April. From April to November the top was always  down.  The 
reason my dad's top never went down in the winter or up during  the rest of the 
year was because it was too much trouble to raise and  lower.  And, the reason I 
drive that same car today with the top always  down is...you guessed 
it....because it's too much of a pain to put up...that,  and because I only drive the 
car in fair weather.
That said I almost always drove my 1990 MX5 with the top down.   
Why...because it was more fun that way!  I don't think things will  change with the 2008 
MX5, but I do love the way the car looks with the top  up.
Bill Wilkman 

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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