[Mgs] anemic running B

Paul Hunt paul.hunt1 at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Nov 5 02:40:40 MST 2007

You say 'anaemic, do you mean running with a weak mixture as indicated by 
the plugs and stumbling on acceleration or just lack of power?  If weak have 
you checked for things air leaks round the manifold and poor fuel delivery? 
Lack of performance can be caused by any number of things from dragging 
brakes to expecting too much from the car if you are used to modern 
rice-rockets.  Are you comparing it to another B?  Or was your car running 
properly and it has changed to running poorly?  If the latter, what did you 
do immediately before this started happening!?

A compression test is easy enough to do, do a wet and a dry, on a hot engine 
with  all plugs out and the throttle wedged wide open.  After that it is a 
matter of going through all the setting-up adjustments like valve 
clearances, plug gaps, points gap/dwell, timing including centrifugal and 
vacuum advance curves.  You say timing is 'correct', but correct to what as 
the original spec would have been for leaded fuel of higher octane than 
today.  These days the best setting is probably the one that is just short 
of pinking at any combination of throttle opening, engine speed and load. 
Only when all that has been done and any defects corrected should you 
finally set the carbs up for correct air-flow and mixture balance from first 


----- Original Message ----- 
> o.k. folks, I need some help in diagnosing a problem on my MGB (engine is 
> a
> 1969) , bottom line is the car is running anemic, here is what I did: 

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