[Mg-t] Side Lamp Medallions (red buttons)

Dan imoz at columbus.rr.com
Thu Dec 6 17:30:26 MST 2007


Thank you for the replies and information contained in them.  

I sure caused some confusion.  I made a mistake in my description of these
medallions.  I tried to send another email clarifying the description of the
red medallions, but I don't think it got through.  I am sorry.  

Here is some clarification:  

Upon double - check, I saw that they did NOT have "The MG Car Company" on
them.  They only have "King of the Road" and the lion rampant that is in the
center circle.  I am not sure what caused me to have the impression they did
have that on them.  I can't believe I made such an error, but my mind plays
funny tricks on me sometimes (or maybe it's my eyes).  My further apology.  

At any rate, I do have an original medallion for my car, and it has a much
more murky and glassy appearance, with no hard edges on the letter or the
image.  The picture and the letters sort of melt onto the surface of it so
that the edges flow and blend in.  

The ones I got are sharp cut and plastic looking.  In addition, there are
two small ragged tabs on the underside that look as if they had been twisted
off an injection molded bar that probably had others attached to it as well.
The lion and the letters are very crisp with much more defined edges than my

I thought I remembered a TSO article or a website that made this distinction
between the original and the Moss repro.  

Please don't misunderstand -  I have nothing against Moss, I am glad they
offer these and I have nothing against cars that have them installed.  My
concern was that the ebay ad clearly showed a proper Lucas box in the
picture (which was described in the text as not included - so I do not have
that to refer to).  The text also said "Genuine Lucas NOS".  

When I got them they did not look right to me, but I have got some info that
they used 2 different types of plastics in this era.  

Maybe this is getting a little too "nit picky", but I am fascinated with the
lore of originality, so it is for curiosity as much as anything else.  

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