[Mg-t] Side Lamp Medallions (red buttons)

Bob Howard mgbob at juno.com
Thu Dec 6 09:50:33 MST 2007

   The letters the original red lens of my TD lamps say   King of  the
Road,  in the outer ring around the lion rampant that is in the center
circle.  They are reasonably crisp and legible on one lamp, and getting
faint on the other. 
   A call to Moss would determine if the style you have is what they
offer these days.
   Were the ones sold to you in a box that appeared to be original?

On Wed, 5 Dec 2007 22:00:44 -0500 "Dan" <imoz at columbus.rr.com> writes:
> Listers,  
> This is a question of authenticity for my '54 TF.  > 
> I have always thought the red medallion on the chrome side lamps 
> (running lights) bore the inscription "King of the Road" and nothing
> I recently purchased a pair on eBay advertised as "Genuine NOS".  
> They came, and they look quite plastic, even with teeny tabs that look
> over fill from a plastic mold.  They also bear the inscription, "The MG
> Company".> 
> Are these OK for TD?  Or, are they bad repros from Moss?  > 
> Thanks for any info.   
> Dan Johnson
> 54 TF

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