[Mg-t] Side Lamp Medallions (red buttons)

Bob Howard mgbob at juno.com
Fri Dec 7 06:49:23 MST 2007

 Hi Dan,
   The smoother, rounded appearance of the old ones may be from age and
owner effort. 
   Pop bought this car new, and I recall as a kid trying to polish the
old lens to make them look as sharp as the repros of the time.  In doing
so, I'm sure I smoothed off the crisp letters that I do recall on
originals back then. I must have been a polishing fiend as a youngster,
because I polished off the paint on bonnet and fenders.  MG identified
the paint as Cellulose Enamel. Pop was a loyal customer of Dupont #7
polish, "safe for all enamels".   Problem was that English "cellulose
enamel" is American lacquer.  Good ol' #7 was way too abrasive. We
polished through the paint into the primer as we tried to get out the
dark areas, necessitating a repaint in 1961.

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007 19:30:26 -0500 "Dan" <imoz at columbus.rr.com> writes:
> Listers, 
> Thank you for the replies and information contained in them.  
> I sure caused some confusion.  I made a mistake in my description of 

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