[Land-speed] Dahlgren blather

Kirkwood saltfever at comcast.net
Sun Dec 12 02:30:53 MST 2010

We are not in an English class and we don't get an "A" for the flowery use
of words. This is a technical forum where we all have a common interest. We
are not interested in perfect grammar. We only want to understand a
technical idea, experience, or point of view.  I criticized Dave's
punctuation not because it had any relevance to this forum (it doesn't) but
to show what criticism does. Had Dave given a technical explanation of what
he perceived as flaws in John's design it would have been interesting, most
likely thought provoking, and educational. Instead, he choose an uninformed,
demeaning, response. No math or logic, or even showing a basic understanding
of the streamliner. That is the exact symptom he says he has zero patience
with in others. (see his quote below)

This subject should be off-line and in PM. I see a few public replies I
haven't read yet and may respond here if a public reply has any value.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Dahlgren [mailto:dahlgren536 at comcast.net]
I think my so called problem of attitude is I personally have zero patience
for pronouncements with no math or logic included.  -Dave

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