[Land-speed] Arizona speed traps

Jon Wennerberg jon at infodestruction.com
Sun Jan 20 11:21:29 MST 2008

On Jan 19, 2008, at 8:03 PM, <neil at dbelltech.com>  
<neil at dbelltech.com> wrote:

Ditto for the "red light runner" photo ticketing system. Scottsdale was
caught reducing the timing of their yellow lights to make it more  
to stop on red.

Maybe -- but the number of folks running through the yellow, running  
the red -- sure seems greater than ever these days.  I know I see  
lots of them up here -- and lots of accidents from folks trying to  
stretch the yellow light and get through.  If you're in such a hurry  
that you need to get through the light -- leave home a minute  
earlier!  Don't be so danged selfish that your need to beat the light  
is more important than obeying the laws that are there to make  
driving safer for all of us.

I'd rather have the photo/red light system up here than not -- but  
Michigan law doesn't allow tickets to be issued without a policeman  
having witnessed the incident in person.

                 Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
              Marquette, Michigan
              (that's 'way up north)

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