[Land-speed] Arizona speed traps

drmayf drmayf at mayfco.com
Sun Jan 20 11:28:39 MST 2008

Jon W, that is interesting. I suspect they have a double standard 
here...I bet they have no trouble arresting someone caught on tape 
robbing a store or ATM or what ever. Some thing that was not witnessed 
by a human but a video camera only.

Las Vegas may be the poster child for people running yellow/red lights. 
Anymore when I go over, and am stopped by a red light and I am the first 
in line, I always count to 3 or 4 before I go because without a doubt 
there will be at least one car run the yellow/red.

how ya'll doing up in the land of snow and ice?

mayf, down here where is is going to be a warm 59 degrees, lol

Jon Wennerberg wrote:

>On Jan 19, 2008, at 8:03 PM, <neil at dbelltech.com>  
><neil at dbelltech.com> wrote:
>Ditto for the "red light runner" photo ticketing system. Scottsdale was
>caught reducing the timing of their yellow lights to make it more  
>to stop on red.
>Maybe -- but the number of folks running through the yellow, running  
>the red -- sure seems greater than ever these days.  I know I see  
>lots of them up here -- and lots of accidents from folks trying to  
>stretch the yellow light and get through.  If you're in such a hurry  
>that you need to get through the light -- leave home a minute  
>earlier!  Don't be so danged selfish that your need to beat the light  
>is more important than obeying the laws that are there to make  
>driving safer for all of us.
>I'd rather have the photo/red light system up here than not -- but  
>Michigan law doesn't allow tickets to be issued without a policeman  
>having witnessed the incident in person.
>                 Jon Wennerberg
>Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
>              Marquette, Michigan
>              (that's 'way up north)

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