[Healeys] Glycol in oil

Roger Grace roggrace at telus.net
Mon Nov 13 21:15:17 MST 2023

67 BJ8
Approx 15k mi on rebuilt engine by PO.
Recently detected water droplets and creamy oil residue inside valve cover
and near oil filler.
Pains as engine and car run so well ... grr
Did compression test and all OK at around 150 psi
Also had oil analysis done that confirmed glycol in oil. Interesting no
water found ... assume gets burnt off ?
Upon reflection realise had been losing some coolant. Have recently
installed a recovery reservoir and attributed the loss to air being
removed. Silly me.
So need some ideas how to proceed and if there is a likely culprit area
that others may have encountered ?
 Maybe start by re torqueing the head ?
Not sure how to retest though apart from another oil test.
Remove head ?
Thoughts and ideas please
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