[Healeys] Glycol in oil

Kees Oudesluijs coudesluijs at chello.nl
Tue Nov 14 01:58:58 MST 2023

Sounds like a head gasket, cracked cylinder head or an internal crack in 
the block. Possibly incorrectly torqued down head so start re-torquing 
may help but I am not very optimistic.
Kees Oudesluijs

Op 14-11-2023 om 05:15 schreef Roger Grace:
> 67 BJ8
> Approx 15k mi on rebuilt engine by PO.
> Recently detected water droplets and creamy oil residue inside valve 
> cover and near oil filler.
> Pains as engine and car run so well ... grr
> Did compression test and all OK at around 150 psi
> Also had oil analysis done that confirmed glycol in oil. Interesting 
> no water found ... assume gets burnt off ?
> Upon reflection realise had been losing some coolant. Have recently 
> installed a recovery reservoir and attributed the loss to air being 
> removed. Silly me.
> So need some ideas how to proceed and if there is a likely culprit 
> area  that others may have encountered ?
>  Maybe start by re torqueing the head ?
> Not sure how to retest though apart from another oil test.
> Remove head ?
> Thoughts and ideas please
> rg

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