[Healeys] 100-4 od

Roger Grace roggrace at telus.net
Fri Apr 28 13:23:43 MDT 2023

Will be interested to hear how you make out ... ?
BTW I have had the OD annulus out, in situ in my BJ8 to replace the
tailshaft bearings.
Doing it in 2 stages may give you more space.
What OD repair are you expecting to do ?
Not for the faint hearted though.

On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 12:06 PM Bob Spidell via Healeys <
healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:

> Disclaimer: I've never even tried this; sounds risky and why not refresh
> the clutch while you're at it (unless you know it only has a few thousand
> miles on it).
> But, I'll throw out a wag. There are several things that could limit the
> vertical travel of the drivetrain--in roughly decreasing levels of
> risk--off the top-of-my-head:
> 1) Fan hitting the radiator.
> 2) Breaking something in the throttle linkage (more finicky than even the
> 6-cyl cars IMO)
> 3) Stressing/breaking something in the mechanical clutch linkage
> 4) Stressing the motor mounts (aftermarket rubber parts are sketchier even
> than OEM)
> 5) Hitting scuttle/firewall or other restraint
> It'll be a bitch getting it mated back to the gearbox--at least, I KNOW it
> is in the 6-cyl cars--unless you get REAL lucky.
> #s 1-3 require further disassembly of your drivetrain.
> bs
> On 4/28/2023 7:10 AM, sdesalvo--- via Healeys wrote:
> Good afternoon everyone,
> I am trying to remove my od without removing the tranny.  I know it is not
> a great way to go, but I am into it. Do I lift the od and tranny as a unit
> and if so how high do i dare Iift the unit without damaging something? I
> have separated the od and tranny about 2 inches and have the od slid back
> so it is sitting on top of the 2 rubber mounts. The chassis keeps me from
> sliding it back any further back unless I can raise the tranny/od high
> enough to clear the chassis. I would appreciate any advice.
> Thanks in advance,
> Sam DeSalvo
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