[Healeys] New Clutch query

m.g.sharp at sympatico.ca m.g.sharp at sympatico.ca
Mon Sep 27 09:14:43 MDT 2021

Simon, you seemed to have covered all the bases.  Again respectfully, how are so sure that nothing is binding on the pilot bush?  I am not sure the best way to check it but if possible, if you can remove it and actually slide it onto the output shaft on the g’box, that would be best.  If the bush is firmly in there (and it usually is!), I suggest you might offer up the gearbox to the engine without the clutch in place and see if it slides in easily and that you can get the bell housing all the way up to the rear engine plate.  That is a lot more work, but would absolutely rule out any issue with the pilot bush. 


I assume that the throw bearing is in good shape and moves easily in the fork of the clutch arm.  I am grasping at straws now!


As others have said, I spend a lot of time checking the gap between the bell housing and the engine plate when I am putting a g’box back to ensure it is even all the way around and the g’box goes in perfectly square.


Wish I were closer, I’d gladly lend a hand.


I just have a few last things to put back on my motor and Michael and I are going to start it up after a fresh rebuild, hopefully Wednesday.


Cheers, Mirek


From: simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com <simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com> 
Sent: September 27, 2021 8:43 AM
To: 'richard mayor' <boyracer466 at gmail.com>
Cc: m.g.sharp at sympatico.ca; 'Healeys' <healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: [Healeys] New Clutch query



Thank you everybody for your replies. 


Richard’s advice as to centering the clutch by moving the alignment tool back and forth, up/down seems very sensible and I’ll try that.


I said that I thought the black plastic alignment tool was easier to use than the shaft because, with plastic tool, one can plug the clutch plate to the flywheel then wind on the cover as no part of the tool is wider than the hole in the centre of the cover. With the shaft, one has to put it through cover and clutch plate and then fight the pair up and onto the flywheel. 


Two people found (very!) polite ways of asking if I’d put the clutch plate on backwards. Sadly not; that might have produced an instant cure. I’m way past being offended by such questions. 


Nothing is binding in the spigot bush/pilot bearing. Another instant cure missed.


No slop in the  clutch lever bushings. The slave’s push rod and clevis pin were in a bad way although that had not  -   previously – impinged. I’ve ordered new ones anyhow.


I’ve got the two dowel bolts and used them at 11:00 and 17:30. (Incidentally, I’ve got on file an email, 11 June ’02, of Michael’s in which he makes reference to the importance attached to these bolts as a “tempest in a teapot”. His maths makes perfect sense, as you’d expect, but I’ll be sure to put them in per the book).


I did have a jack under the engine and will again. 


Barring anything new received from you guys, I’ll just have to try again, paying great attention to the plate being centred and the engine/gearbox being at compatible angles.


No attempt today as son-in-law is at work! It is definitely a task where an Arnie-lookalike is extremely useful.





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