[Healeys] Hyphened badge

Jean Caron vintage_roadster_restoration at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 1 22:13:25 MST 2015

While the front badge was not always hyphenated, the rear one on the trunk (boot)always was if I am not mistaken. 


From: glemon at neb.rr.com
To: michael.oritt at gmail.com; healeys at autox.team.net
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 21:40:18 -0600
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Hyphened badge

Micheal, although it doesn't answer why, it does appear 
that there was a decision made at Austin/BMC or somewhere to do away with the 
hyphen, I quick perusal of ebay Austin Healey advertisement shows the hyphen in 
most of the fifties ads, it is gone in the sixties ads.  So it doesn't 
appear to be just a matter of the supplier forgetting to put it in on 
later pieces.
Greg Lemon  

From: Michael Oritt 
Sent: Sunday, February 1, 2015 7:44 PM
To: Ge 
Cc: AH Mail List 
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Hyphened badge

I think we have established that 
there was probably no consistent change point from hyphenated to non-hyphenated 
which seems to support the idea that after the decision to change was made the 
stock of hyphenated badges was nevertheless used until exhausted.

However my original question was 
not "when" but rather "why" the switch was made.  There must have been a 
reason for making an affirmative decision to do something and I am genuinely 
surprised that the reason has never been made known,

Any thoughts here?

Best--Michael Oritt


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