[Healeys] Ear plugs etc.

I Erbs eyera3 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 11:30:27 MDT 2009

Back in day when I lived in Los
Angeles and  had a radio in my car I had a conversation with a CHP about
loud speakers, vs quiet headphones. he told me head phones were illegal,
load speakers on highway were fine.I'd really rather just listen the exhaust
I found I could actually carry on a conversation at speed with my wife since
replacing my muffler with a new one. Bought a lifetime warranty from Midas
and they replaced it for free, after I demanded an OEM unit, "not a sure to
fit replacement"  That took many emails with a district manager.....

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Steve B. Gerow <steveg at abrazosdata.com>wrote:

> My understanding here in CA is covering one ear is OK, but both is illegal.
> I think that's why phone headsets have only one earphone.
> Practically, in an open car with ear plugs you can still easily hear
> anything going on around you, such as sirens or even your passenger yelling
> at you. The plugs I use would isolate you in a luxury car, but they make
> freeway driving in my Monza-exhausted roadster with the top down into a much
> more pleasant experience.
> Never been pulled over. Cops are too busy admiring the Healey anyway to be
> looking at the earplugs.
> --
> Steve Gerow
> Pasadena CA
> BN6
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I Erbs
Portland, OR

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