[Fot] EGT gauge installation

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Thu Feb 28 18:50:52 MST 2019

I've always been told that about 6" from the head is where the probes 
should be.  Closer to the head would be slightly hotter, further away 
colder - but like Mark says it's awfully dang hot and a few inches is 
unlikely to make much difference in that.  As far as coming from front 
or back, that really doesn't matter - make it convenient to remove / 
install the probes, you'll be doing it every rebuild at least.

Regards, Tony

On 2/28/2019 9:18 AM, John Styduhar via Fot wrote:
> The location of the EGT sensors on #1 and #4 puts it on the outside 
> curve of the tubes.   Does it matter where I drill the hole on the 
> bend?  I can approach it from the side or outside of the curve on both.
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 8:46 AM DPPI - Mark Craig 
> <info at dieselperformanceparts.com 
> <mailto:info at dieselperformanceparts.com>> wrote:
>     Yeah you always will, closest to the head outlet is best, but you
>     also got to be able to install it and service it. 2 -2.5” away
>     from the outlet is going to be fine. Think about it at 6-7000 RPM
>     is an extra inch going to matter much in the overall temp?? That
>     engine is putting out a flame front constantly like a torch, it
>     won’t matter . Remember you always got some like Rick Parent that
>     think they are the end all do all for all Triumph ot any other
>     engine in the world.  Use 1 & 4 cylinders as it is a known leaner
>     condition on them for 40 years. You want to measure the leanest
>     place you can as you know the rest is safe as compared. Check a
>     lot of the cars in the pits, I have never seen one on #2 or #3, ever.
>     I am no magical expert, I am just a good observer of others and
>     that’s how I got to know what I know.
>     http://dieselperformanceparts.com/media/mail/logo_small_dppi.png
>     <http://dieselperformanceparts.com>
>     **
>     *Mark Craig
>     *Diesel Performance Parts, Inc.
>     411 Allied Drive, Nashville, TN 37211
>     www.dieselperformanceparts.com
>     <http://www.dieselperformanceparts.com/>
>     http://dieselperformanceparts.com/media/mail/icon_social_facebook.jpg
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>     <http://www.linkedin.com/company/diesel-performance-parts-inc->
>     Phone: 615-834-0066
>     Fax: 615-834-9923
>     Email: mark at dieselperformanceparts.com
>     <mailto:mark at dieselperformanceparts.com>
>     *From:*John Styduhar [mailto:johnstydo at gmail.com
>     <mailto:johnstydo at gmail.com>]
>     *Sent:* Thursday, February 28, 2019 7:10 AM
>     *To:* DPPI - Mark Craig <info at dieselperformanceparts.com
>     <mailto:info at dieselperformanceparts.com>>
>     *Subject:* Re: [Fot] EGT gauge installation
>     That distance you mentioned would put the sensor about 6" from the
>     exhaust valve.  I'm getting some difference of opinion from the
>     membership regarding which cylinders to use.
>     On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 5:07 PM DPPI - Mark Craig
>     <info at dieselperformanceparts.com
>     <mailto:info at dieselperformanceparts.com>> wrote:
>         Use #1 & #4 about 2.0-2.5” from the header flange.
>         http://dieselperformanceparts.com/media/mail/logo_small_dppi.png
>         <http://dieselperformanceparts.com>
>         **
>         *Mark Craig
>         *Diesel Performance Parts, Inc.
>         411 Allied Drive, Nashville, TN 37211
>         www.dieselperformanceparts.com
>         <http://www.dieselperformanceparts.com/>
>         http://dieselperformanceparts.com/media/mail/icon_social_facebook.jpg
>         <https://www.facebook.com/DieselPerformanceParts>http://dieselperformanceparts.com/media/mail/icon_social_twitter.jpg
>         <https://twitter.com/PerfectDiesel>http://dieselperformanceparts.com/media/mail/icon_social_googleplus.jpg
>         <https://plus.google.com/u/0/104451046659790804057/posts>http://dieselperformanceparts.com/media/mail/icon_social_linkedin.jpg
>         <http://www.linkedin.com/company/diesel-performance-parts-inc->
>         Phone: 615-834-0066
>         Fax: 615-834-9923
>         Email: mark at dieselperformanceparts.com
>         <mailto:mark at dieselperformanceparts.com>
>         *From:*Fot [mailto:fot-bounces at autox.team.net
>         <mailto:fot-bounces at autox.team.net>] *On Behalf Of *John
>         Styduhar via Fot
>         *Sent:* Tuesday, February 26, 2019 11:30 AM
>         *To:* Triumph 'Friends of Triumph <fot at autox.team.net
>         <mailto:fot at autox.team.net>>
>         *Subject:* [Fot] EGT gauge installation
>         I need some tips on installation of a dual probe EGT gauge on
>         the TR4 race engine with twin Strombergs-
>         What two cylinder to use for probes.
>         Optimum EG temperature for tuning purposes.
>         Thanks
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