[Fot] Weber vs Mikuni vs SU

Kas Kastner kaskastner at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 12:00:21 MDT 2018

Oh Yeah.  Make friends with your S.U.'s. If you are not going to take
advantage of the adjsutability for climate, temperature and humidity
changes you end up leaving power on the bench. As I said before with the
S.U, a couple flats change and you are set for a couple hours before more
weather change. No pump jet, no idle jet, no venturi size question, no
emulsion tube question, you are set for easy travel. :-)

*Never be beaten by equipment.*

On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 10:49 AM Ted Schumacher via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>

> Marty, sorry to be late on this topic.  Short course on Weber's - what
> makes them good is they are infinitely adjustable. What makes them bad is
> they are infinitely adjustable.  Ted
> On 10/20/2018 11:25 AM, marty via Fot wrote:
> Interesting discussion on carbs. It was my  (lack of) understanding,
> right, wrong or indifferent that Weber's were good for 10-15 hp over SU's.
> I know that's a pretty blanket statement. Sounds like that might not be the
> case. That's always been one of my excuses for being slow. 😊.
> Marty
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