[Fot]  Winter???

Bill Babcock billb at bnj.com
Wed Feb 14 01:58:10 MST 2007

If you want to really get serious you should look at the new ethanol  
systems being built. They build an ethanol plant next to a feedlot in  
the middle of corn country. Put the manure in a digester to get  
methane gas and use the solid effluent for fertilizer, Make mash from  
feed (corn, etc.) and ferment it to get alcohol, feed the converted  
mash to the cows (with unconverted feed for carbohydrate supplements)  
use the methane to distill the alcohol. With the consolidated  
transportation costs and lower energy costs for distillation it turns  
out to be nearly 2 to 1 energy return. Only works in a limited number  
of places, but you're already making hamburger.

Back in my science fair days a buddy of mine built a closed ecosystem  
on similar principles. Mouse manure fed algae that converted CO2 to  
O2 in sunlight. algae got fed to the mouse. whole thing ran on  
photocells. The mice died--not enough vitamins.

Bill Babcock
billb at bnj.com

bnj  Website for Babcock & Jenkins, a direct and interactive agency

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On Feb 13, 2007, at 8:12 PM, Gasket Works USA wrote:

>   Bill writes:
>  "A little fryer oil for biodiesel is all you need".
> I have 400 gal of Waste Veg Oil and am looking at outfitting my 504  
> Peugeot diesel with a system to use it vs. the biodiesel. the B100   
> has enough methanol that the injector pump seals get premature  
> failure.  Currently, the WVO is too hard/solid to filter because of  
> the cold temp.  I saw a pretty cool trick of building a composte  
> pile around the oil drums and allow the heat to keep the wvo liquid.
> ----------
> BTW....  Little known fact.  This is important.  The 504 diesel  
> tappets are just a tad bit larger than the TR tractor motor.  They  
> are made well and would be excellent for replacement.  Peugeot also  
> lists oversize tappets for rebuilding applications.
> m
> M.N.Dunst
> Gasket Works USA, LLC
> gmt-8 Pacific time
> 626.358.1616 voice
> 626.628.3777 fax
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