[Roadsters] '69 SPL311 rear wheel cylinders

Leonard Sprague sprague at jandmcontractors.com
Thu Aug 15 22:29:37 MDT 2013

On Thu, August 15, 2013 9:38 pm, Gary and Cindy Ault wrote:
> YES the various vendors do stock rear wheel cylinders.  Did you bother
> checking first?  NO.  I and others on the List are happy to help those who
> really need it, but I am not going to bother even
> listing the names of suppliers to someone who has clearly done NO homework
> on his/her own.
> I blocked you as a sender.

Wow Gary. Really?

I apologize if I offended you or anyone else on the list. It's been
several years since I've been active on the list and lost my roadster
contact list a while back. You'll notice I sent my previous email late
last night (2:39AM EST). Obviously, I wasn't able to call any of the
roadster vendors at that time, nor did I have the part numbers to search
online, so I sent a hopeful email to the list and then searched for the
roadster vendors current contact info with intentions to call around

I was pleasantly surprised this morning to receive responses from Dave
Sommers and Andy Conner. (Thank you again to both of you.) Dave Sommers
was helpful in assisting me in finding the correct Nissan parts numbers.
Today I spoke to 11 Nissan dealerships in the SE USA whose prices ranged
from $112 - $138 each.

Nissan part numbers for rear wheel cylinders:

   #44100-14600 is the 13/16" for the early car (no longer available
through Nissan)

   #44100-25500 is the 3/4" for the late car

I also relocated contact info for the vendors at
http://datsun.org/roadster/resources/parts.html and found physical
addresses from their websites and spoke to many of the following vendors,
whose prices were similar to those of my local dealership.

Les Cannaday
Classic Datsun Motorsports
(760) 940-6365
345 Olive Avenue
Vista, CA 92083

Mike Young
Datsun Sports
mike at datsunsports.com
(415) 828-8778
(707) 928-4029

Dean Apostal
sales at datsunparts.com
(818) 363-2015
18735 Bryant St
Northridge, CA 91324 ‎

Fairlady Products
info at fairladyproducts.com
(310) 320-4554

Gerardo Magaqa
Fairlady Parts
fairladyparts at gmail.com
(209) 499-9193
1701 Morning Dove Circle
Modesto, CA 95354

New Datsun Parts
(604) 728-4365

datsunroadsterparts at yahoo.com
PO Box 5124
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

Cynthia Bramhall
Rallye Enterprises
Datsun Parts, Rallye Enterprises
rallye at datsunroadster.com
(360) 893-4200
PO Box 367
Graham, WA 98338

Rising Sun Racing
Datsun Parts, Rising Sun Racing
datsundon at aol.com
(423) 878-3147
(423) 217-8412
383 Lakeview Dock Road
Bristol, TN 37620

Rod's Discount Datsun Parts
rod at rodsdatsun.com
(408) 448-3277
(408) 314-3006
San Jose, CA

Ross Mullen
Sports Imports
info at sportsimports.ca
(604) 538-5615
Box 1794
Blaine, WA 98231-1794

Stan Chernoff
az589 at lafn.org
(310) 328-7867
1215 Greenwood Ave
Torrance, CA 90505

Z Specialties
zman at zspecialties.com
(360) 668-2979
16229 SR 9 SE
Snohomish, WA 98296

Lenny Sprague

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Leonard Sprague" <sprague at jandmcontractors.com>
> To: <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 1:39 AM
> Subject: [Roadsters] '69 SPL311 rear wheel cylinders
>> Hello,
>> Can anyone tell me where I can find replacement rear wheel cylinders
>> (both sides) for my '69 SPL311 (1600roadster)?Do any of the vendors
>> stock these?
>> Also, has anyone tried using this Napa rebuild kit?
>> Thank you in advance for your assistance.
>> Lenny Sprague
>> SPL311-25453/VG30
>> On 9/28/2007 3:45 PM, Pete Peters wrote:
>>>  From the Parts Interchange page on 311s.org:
>>> "NAPA, rear wheel cylinder rebuild kit part # UP1065 - this is for the
>>> 3/4"
>>> wheel cylinders if yours are not in bad shape and basically only need
>>> new
>>> rubber parts."
>>> Not sure about rebuild kits, but whole cylinders are available from the
>>> vendors.
>> On 9/28/2007 12:14 PM, Dan Zubkoff wrote:
>>> Try Napa rebuild kit UBP-1065.
>> --
>> Leonard Sprague
>> President, J and M Contractors
>> (352) 262-4788
>> http://www.JandMContractors.com/sprague.shtml
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Leonard Sprague
President, J and M Contractors
(352) 262-4788

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