[Roadsters] 67 1/2 2000 for sale

Andrew Murphy solex675 at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 18 11:06:27 MST 2011

I am also not attempting to get into a flame war, but I will say that unless
you do every bit of work yourself you will not be able to restore a car for

You have to think about things like:

Cleaning the car to bare metal and removing rust - maybe even acid dipping to
kill the rust. Then preparing and sealing the body
All of the work welding and fixing the frame - not to mention powder coat
Unless you are a mechanic - the costs to rebuild a U20 power train with all
new parts like chains and tensioners - that adds up.
Interior costs, wiring, all of the above.

I'm "just sayin'" that there is NO way you could reproduce a fully restored 67
200 for 55k. No way.

How do I know?

Been there, done that.

Andrew Murphy

1966 1600
And a restorer of a 67 2000 - and I have the scars to prove it!

> Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 10:23:36 -0700
> From: roadsterdude1600 at yahoo.com
> To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net; johnpavone at cableone.net
> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] 67 1/2 2000 for sale
> I do NOT want to start a flame war, and I will be the first to say that
> is a fabulous looking roadster.  If I had unlimited funds, I would buy it
> not bat an eye - OK?
> BUT man, you have got to TRY to spend $70K restoring a Datsun Roadster!
> that is cannot be done, mind you, but give me a good $3000 car for starts
> $25k to spend, and I think I can make a perfect car out of it - just
> saying.....
> Mike Harper, CAI, AARE
> Harper Auction & Realty
> 843-729-4996
> "Experience Sells"
> www.AuctionMyRealEstate.NET
> --- On Fri, 3/18/11, John Pavone <johnpavone at cableone.net> wrote:
> From: John Pavone <johnpavone at cableone.net>
> Subject: [Roadsters] 67 1/2 2000 for sale
> To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
> Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 10:11 AM
> Much to my dismay I have decided to sell my 19 67 = 2000 . This car has
> undergone a complete three year restoration and is absolutely perfect. I
> have invested over 70k ( documented)  and I feel that this is probably the
> nicest 2000 on the planet- not because its mine but because I made a
> decision to do the car 100%. The car can be seen on Datsun.org and the
> current asking price is 55k. I wanted to offer this to my fellow Datsun
> enthusiasts before I take it to the retail market and internet sale route.
> If anyone is interested I can send you complete information and over 100
> photos of the  restoration
> All the best
> PHONE 712 239 4546
> FAX 712 239 3303
> CELL 712 223 2011

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