[Roadsters] 67 1/2 2000 for sale

alvin gogineni alvingogi at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 11:38:23 MST 2011

Lots of variables here, like condition of the project and cost to source
rare or NLA parts. Here's my breakdown assuming you can find COMPLETE "said"
67.5 SRL project car for $3k, and you are doing a 100-point(or close)
frame-off with no shortcuts and attention to detail:

car: $3k
Gauges: $2k
Interior with correct pieces: $5k
Body paint: $5k
Frame prep: $1k
Drivetrain: $7k(with comp package higher)
Chassis prep including suspension/braking/hydraulic: $6k
All Chrome trim/pieces: $5k
Glass: $1k?

I think that's $40k, WITHOUT labor. I'd estimate turn-key labor(200hrs???)
to be $20k, I could be way off.

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Mike Harper <roadsterdude1600 at yahoo.com>wrote:

> I do NOT want to start a flame war, and I will be the first to say that
> this
> is a fabulous looking roadster.  If I had unlimited funds, I would buy it
> and
> not bat an eye - OK?
> BUT man, you have got to TRY to spend $70K restoring a Datsun Roadster!
>  Not
> that is cannot be done, mind you, but give me a good $3000 car for starts
> and
> $25k to spend, and I think I can make a perfect car out of it - just
> saying.....
> Mike Harper, CAI, AARE
> Harper Auction & Realty
> 843-729-4996
> "Experience Sells"
> www.AuctionMyRealEstate.NET
> --- On Fri, 3/18/11, John Pavone <johnpavone at cableone.net> wrote:
> From: John Pavone <johnpavone at cableone.net>
> Subject: [Roadsters] 67 1/2 2000 for sale
> To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
> Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 10:11 AM
> Much to my dismay I have decided to sell my 19 67 = 2000 . This car has
> undergone a complete three year restoration and is absolutely perfect. I
> have invested over 70k ( documented)  and I feel that this is probably the
> nicest 2000 on the planet- not because its mine but because I made a
> decision to do the car 100%. The car can be seen on Datsun.org and the
> current asking price is 55k. I wanted to offer this to my fellow Datsun
> enthusiasts before I take it to the retail market and internet sale route.
> If anyone is interested I can send you complete information and over 100
> photos of the  restoration
> All the best
> PHONE 712 239 4546
> FAX 712 239 3303
> CELL 712 223 2011
> www.signature-managementgroup.com
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> Datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
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