[Roadsters] cleaning carbs

Keith0alan at aol.com Keith0alan at aol.com
Tue Dec 18 09:38:42 MST 2007

In a message dated 12/17/2007 9:52:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
larrybraddock at ca.rr.com writes:

I've got  a couple of carbs off a 66 1600 that are gummed up and won't let 
flow  thru from sitting with gas in them for who knows how long.
Anybody with  experience cleaning these up.
I was going to dunk them in carb cleaner, but  want to make sure it won't
damage anything inside. I've also heard Pine Sol  works well as a carb

Thanks,  Larry

The factory recommended gasoline. Not a good idea. Berrymans chem dip is  
good stuff. I have two cans. Parts go into the old one first then into the newer  
one. When the old one gets too nasty I pitch it, get a new can and make my  
former new can the old one. For a basic rebuild this followed up with some carb 
 cleaner spray works fine. I like the NAPA house brand carb cleaner. Works 
well  and less expensive that the name brands. After cleaning some Silicone 
spray will  help get the linkages moving. Don't use WD-40 or such things as they 
will gum  things up in a hurry. To loosen them up on the car carb cleaner and 
silicone  spray is the answer. 
For the full treatment I disassemble the carbs, pressure wash the bits,  
glass bead blast the bodies and outside of the domes. The pistons and inside of  
the domes are cleaned with Berrymans or carb cleaner spray. Do not clean the  
pistons or inside of the domes with anything abrasive. They are about a .002"  
fit and it doesn't take much sanding to prevent it from sealing. Then your  
piston will not rise. 
After all that rambling, remove the domes, pistons and float bowl covers  and 
dip them in Berrymans. Be very careful with the dome and float cover screws.  
They are pre-ISO metric and are impossible to find as they have not been made 
 for decades. If they don't want to come loose with a screw driver grab them 
with  a small pair of vice grips. 
keith williams

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