In a message dated 11/7/00 10:26:42 AM, writes:
<< Is it the same if the expensive Cobra is to the driver just a
trinket he can easily afford to lose or repair? >>
An illustration of this point might be the cavalier attitude displayed by
Nigel Corner after flipping his 1960 F1 Ferrari Dino. It will be repaired
and raced again. "Those old Ferrari's are bloody strong." Now there's a
repair bill I don't want to think about.
Perhaps more disturbing is that although he was seriously injured, he
considered the accident just "one of those things" and maintains the view
that he would rather quit racing the old Ferrari than put a roll bar and seat
belts in it.
Seems the ultra wealthy are not deterred from "hard racing" by either the
prospect of tearing up priceless cars or the prospect of period authentic
death and dismemberment.
Doug Meis
By the way, I think there was an "S. Moss" involved in that incident.