When I raced SCCA nationals, the stewards were death on car to car contact.
Is it possible that too many people are racing vintage events that shouldn't
be...people that don't have the experience they should? Has money replaced
racing sense? To get an SCCA national license, one had to finish (if memory
serves) 4 regional races "under scrutiny" before being issued a national
license. A national license then was also recognized by the FIA. Two SCCA
drivers schools were required before being granted a regional license. (I
got my IMSA license based solely on the SCCA record.)
Maybe we were just more concerned about the cost of bent metal, or the
ignominy of a public faux pas. In the event, it sounds like competitors are
swapping more paint these days. And again, the meaning of flags should be
universal, NEVER specific to an event.
Tom Butters