Eric, You might try Bob Merrill, Robert Merrill Restorations in Denton, Tx 940
243 7489. Bob restored the Cooper. I believe that Rutherford and McDaniel are
still in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Also try Harold Pace on this list. John wrote:
> Guys/Gals:
> I'm trying to research Overseas Motors of Dallas, TX, who fielded a race team
> of MGB's during the very late 60's and very early 70's. Anybody have any
> contacts who might have some information on the company or the race team? I
> know the company name still exists, but is now owned by a Rolls dealer and
> nobody in the current organization had any affliation with the original
> company while it was a British Leyland dealer.
> I'm doing this to document one of their former race cars, an MGB. I know
> they also ran Mini's at one time as well, known as the "Purple People Eaters,
> and at least one of those cars is still in existance. I also know that two
> of the former drivers were Wayne Rutherford and Richard McDaniels. Anybody
> got any ideas on how to get in touch with either of those guys?
> Any information is greatly appreciated!
> Eric Swanger
> 11109 Asbury Chapel Rd.
> Huntersville, NC 28078
> (704)-875-6118