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Re: This is for all you british car nuts

Subject: Re: This is for all you british car nuts
From: Bill Dalton <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 06:24:06 -0600 wrote:
>    Scientists at NASA had developed a gun whose purpose is to launch
>  dead chickens at extreme velocities.  No, this isn't the result of
>  over-competitive engineers at the annual Goddard Chicken Toss
>  (though that would be a perfectly understandable consequence.)  The
>  gun is used to shoot dead chickens at the windshields of airline
>  jets, military jets, and the space shuttle, (while they are parked,
>  that is) at that vehicle's maximum velocity it could be traveling
>  while in "bird space."  As such, it simulates the frequent incidents
>  of collisions with airborne fowl, and therefore determine if the
>  windshields were designed strong enough.
>     British engineers, upon hearing of the gun, were eager to test the
>  gun out on the windshield of their new high speed trains.  However,
>  upon firing the gun, the engineers watched in shock as the chicken
>  shattered the windshield, smashed through the control console,
>  snapped the engineer's chair backrest in two, and embedded itself
>  into the back of the cabin.  (Luckily, the train was unmanned at the
>  time :o)
>     Horrified, the engineers sent NASA the results of the experiment,
>  along with the design of the windshield, and asked the NASA
>  scientists for any suggestions.
>     NASA sent back a one-sentence response:  "Thaw the chicken first."
> Hope you laughed as hard as I did..... Gene,,, 65 Ocelot DSR
Actually I think they said to keep it in your Lucas freezer/refrigerator
until the day of the test.
Bill D

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