> From: Edwin Smith <EHSMITH@us.oracle.com>
> To: pkrause@ibm.net
> Cc: vintage-race@autox.team.net
> Subject: Roller rockers, etc
> Date: Monday, January 18, 1999 4:06 PM
> Peter: Your message is right on!!! I have 3 vintage cars, all period
prepped, 2 with period history. Two are productions cars and one is a FJr.
There are 3 orgs to run with in N. Calif.; HMSA, CSRG and SCCA vintage. I
prefer to run with other period correct cars as the playing field is more
level. It also makes more sense to build a production car to period specs
as it's usually cheaper and can run anywhere. This also makes it easier to
sell the car. I think drivers are figuring this out.
> I have run with all three of these orgs but prefer to run with HMSA as
the cars seem to be scrutinized more closely. CSRG is good but their tech
guys can't seem to distingush a 289 Ford block from a 351, nor a 350 Chevy
from a 327. They don't realize that those extra tall valve covers usually
conceal roller rockers.....if they do, they don't police their
rules......or Maybe like Jack W., they've just gotten tired of chasing the
cheaters. If they just threw 'em the f**k out until they conformed to the
rules, or at least made a notation in their log book that they can't run
again until the car conforms then we'd be going a long way towards making
the rules enforceable. I think you need to toss out the offenders or toss
out the rulebook.
> This year I'll maintain my CSRG membership and may run a race or two, but
am putting HMSA events at the top of my schedule. I'm a bit frustrated
with rules not being enforced in CSRG so I'll drop my priority to run their
events. HMSA has added two more club races so I'll schedule them as my
first priority.
> I used to run SCCA vintage. They have more of run what ya brung
perspective so I expected to see over prepped cars at the event. They were
trying to increase participation and had a reputation for running a bit
loose so they insisted they would enforce the 13/13 rule and tighten things
up. Well, I was involved in an incident with contact and damage and it
became clear that they were reluctant to enforce their rule so I won't run
with them and will happily broadcast why I don't run there anymore. I'll
still drive the occasional SCCA Pro race but vintage gets no more of my
> So, you race organizers and tech directors out there.....take heed.....as
long as there are other places to run, your drivers will vote with their
feets...and go elsewhere for their yah-yahs.....
> Ted Smith