Hey, it's that time of the year again!
Since I said last year that the more rules you make, the more people
cheat and the more trouble it causes trying to enforce them, I spent
last season running SCCA Vintage. Loose rules, rarely inforced (except
car safety and driving rules like passing under the yellow), great
racing and no protesting - just good fellowship. And we were running for
$$$ and a championship!
$%^&*()_, if it looks vintage, let it run. If it's too fast, move it up
a class. Best races I've had have been when I get put in the big guys
class and have somebody to really race with! Beat em too!
Jim Hayes Winchester, MA, USA
hayes@mediaone.net http://www.fotec.com/jim.htm
jeh@fotec.com http://www.fotec.com/
All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false!