The story went that as Lamborgini colected his new Ferrari, (both were based
in or around Modena) Enzo remarked to the effect that "you know, Ferruccio,
you are rather a vulgar peasant manufacturer of agricultural machinery and
not really good enough to be driving my cars" and intimated that his future
custom wasn't overly welcome as it demeaned the Ferrari's appeal amongst the
jet set (or at least the concerted turboprop set as it probably was as this
was the early '60's and jets were as few and far between as, well, reliable
new road going Ferraris according to some recent comments from Phil Hill I
read somewhere recently!).
So, FL built the first Lambo and within a few years had produced the
Frankly, it seems perfectly plausible as Italian stories go,
Patrick (in Italy).
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Clark <>
To: <>
Date: 20 August 1998 19:36
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Porsche tractor
>Patrick recalled:
>>And of course let's not forget that the first Lamborghini was in fact a
>>tractor and they still produce them, including a dinky design for Italian
>>terraces which is just about large lawn sized...
>Yet another good connection to the premise that "plowing improves the
>breed"! Wasn't there a folk-tale that Lamborghini only entered the auto
>biz after being insulted somehow by Ferrari?