My information is that SVRA has indeed been sold. I have a reliable
who has actually spoken with the individual who will be the new owner. My
source beleives that this individual will be a positive change for SVRA. The
reason, as I understand it, that no one is willing to give names and make
announcements is that it is not appropriate to do so until the sale is final.
In regard to the tragedy at Summit, I have to say that although I did
know the individual, it is very sad to see this sort of thing happen at a
vintage event. My thoughts and sympathy go out to his friends and family. I
can not imagine how horrible it must be for them to see a loved one to go off
for a weekend of friendly vintage racing and not come back.
As sad as it is, we have to do what we can to learn from this brutal
reminder that motor racing can be a dangerous activity and vintage racing is
not immune to the danger. My race (Lola/Marlboro cup) was over and I was on
the way home by the time the accident occurred, so I can only speculate on
the cause of the accident or who may have been at fault based on what I have
heard. It is my understanding the the Chevron was attempting to pass the BMW
and contact between the two cars resulted in them both going off. I
understand that the injuries to the Chevron driver were largely due to the
other car running over the top of the Chevron after they went off.
This information is gruesome and it may seem macabre to discuss it, but
any of us can learn from it, we should not ignore it. We have to remember
that we are not racing for a million dollars and usually not even for a
championship of any kind. It's all just for kicks and maybe a small trophy.
Any pass attempt that puts yourself or anyone else in a dangerous position
is never worth it. One of my rules of thumb is that if there is even the
smallest voice in my head with some doubt about the maneuver in question,
back off and wait for a better opportunity.
On the brighter side, I had a great weekend and everyone in my race
quite well behaved from what I saw. I wasn't quite able to keep pace with
Jim Hayes (one of the more prolific contributors to the list) Alfa but I had
fun chasing him in the qualifying session. I told Jim that there's still a
few ponies to be squeezed from my little 850cc Honda twin-cam so I might yet
be able to catch him at another event!
Doug Meis
1967 Honda S800
The motto of Team Escargot: "Rub shoulders, not fenders"