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Re: Can-Am Question

To: (Hank Beck)
Subject: Re: Can-Am Question
From: (Thom Kuby)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 17:48:23 -0800
>My friends were talking about the old 7.0 liter Can-Am series the other day
>and were wondering who ran the most races is the original series?
>Hank Beck
>Graphically Speaking
>Howlin' Bob's Pink Flamingo Bar and Grill

hank (et al)

I used to be one of the timer/scorers @road america on corner 14 for a
couple of these can-ams; ('70-'71 and I think '72).  There will never again
be such a sound as the rolling grid of the early '70s can-am (with those
Traco chevys and flat twelves howling), as it swept around corner 14 and up
the hill to the green flag.  Even the vintage guys don't quite replicate it
now... as no one today is inclined to drive ten tenths (and understandably
so) like the Hulmes, Mclarens, Revsons, Donahues, Halls and Sifferts that
originally drove these monsters flat out...

My memory tells me that Lother Motshenbacher started every single can-am up
to about '73,
I could be wrong...but he's right up there.  Notice I said "started"...I
don't remember how he ever finished.  He always drove older,  used,
customer-issue Mclarens so he was never really with the front pack. (except
maybe through severe attrition at times).   I don't remember his driving
any Lolas-except maybe in the early usrrc(sp?) stuff (circa '66 or so).  I
am digging deep into a '54 brain for this stuff-without benefit of any
bookshelf reference- so I'd be interested in hearing what the real answer

let me know what you hear on this...
I posted this to the vintage group as well - this is a good question for
anyone with pete lyon's book out in front of them.  (I don't have it)

Thom Kuby

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