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Subject: BRG
From: a Wallace <>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 20:26:37 -0500
"FT" wrote:
BRG is just exactly like "Signal Red", 50 different shades and none exactly 
the same, so just take your pick of what makes you the happiest, I have 
seen 14 T/R 2/3's lined up side by side and as I said all were a little 
redder or oranger or brighter than the other, but none seemed to match the 
other except they were red. "FT"

.....which is just like Ferguson grey - no two alike in a lineup, and 
everyone trying to determine the magic formula. It is said that there is no 
"Standard" Fergie grey; rather, it was leftover battleship paint whose 
pigment settled out as the day wore on, so that a trained eye could 
approximate the time of manufacture.

Yours in colour,
Jim Wallace
60 TR3a
52 TEA20

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