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Re: Is my radiator toast? Lucid

Subject: Re: Is my radiator toast? Lucid
From: Skip Montanaro <>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 18:17:08 -0500
Thanks to all for the responses about my overheating TR250.  I have done the
two easiest things so far:

    * open up the drain valve (and poke a skinny screwdriver in there to get
      it running freely)

    * "reverse flush" the radiator by forcing water through the radiator via
      the lower hose until the water ran clean out the top.

Did both steps twice and went out for a drive after each repetition.  Each
time the temp gauge dropped from the previous run and it's now down pretty
much where it belongs, so I'm fairly certain I cleaned out a good chunk of
the scale which was clogging the radiator.  It gave me a good excuse to putt
around in the car for a bit. ;-)

I may go the rodding route in the future, but will wait until I've put a few
more miles on it and done the flush thing another time or two so I'm
confident I've captured as much crud as I can.  I'd hate to clean it out
only to have the radiator clog up again after a few hundred miles with a new
load of "crumbs".

I'm about to make a purchase at TRF.  I'll probably pick up a shroud as
well.  Thanks also for that suggestion.


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