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National clubs

To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: National clubs
From: "Ronnie Babbitt" <>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2002 00:33:19 -0400
It is very difficult to plan and travel to a "national event" when it is
held on the edges of the country. Having said that, I believe that if
the membership of the VTR were to grow it would allow the club to have a
stronger financial base in which the VTR could then be in a position to
support regionally sanctioned VTR events. Events that would be supported
and promoted with financial backing, not to compete with the Nation
Convention but to act as an extensions of the national organization. If
the membership base were to grow, new members would be more likely to
attend a regional event to get a feel and to develop the bug for Triumph
conventions. As their interest gains momentum so would their desire to
attend the National convention. Then instead of seeing 250 cars at the
national you would see 4-500 cars. 
I have spoken with Vernon Brannon about this same topic, he has
recognized that membership is and has been a problem.
He is working to rectify this problem, but it is not something that will
happen overnight.  As many of you know I an currently  planning the
Southeastern VTR regional, and I must say that he has completely
supported our efforts and has offered to help in many ways. Through his
efforts other Board members have also committed to attend. The Se VTR
will be held in Georgia this year and currently has registrations from
all the Southern States as well as participants from De, IL, In, NJ, OH,
and of course VA. 
My point is that we will draw folks from about a 700 mile radius, and
are on track to have 200 Triumphs on hand. I have looked at the
registrations carefully and have noticed that there are many names that
I don't recognize, haven  spoken with many of these unfamiliar people,
they have told that this is their first  all Triumph event.. Most of
these people are not members of the VTR. Hopefully these newbie's will
develop that desire to attend the "National" if encouraged.
If the VTR were to have growth in membership and were in a position to
afford to support a regional financially just think of how many newbie's
that are across the Nation.

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