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Re: Mysterious clicking-broken spring

Subject: Re: Mysterious clicking-broken spring
From: "" <>
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 23:09:17 FILETIME=[0E0D1120:01C06235]
If you've got a compressor You won't even have to remove the head... A 
friend of mine knocked out the insulation of a spark plug. He had a 
pneumatic quick connect welded on the outside. Once the "plug was in place 
on the appropriate cylinder and connected to his air line, he could kept the 
valve in place with air pressure while he changed the valve spring on m7y `4 
when I broke it, many years ago.

BTW, be sur to kean up any stray bits of valve spring that might be surfing 
about in the head... and it wouldn't hurt to fit a a magnetic oil drain 
plug, while you're at it.
>You are almost certain to do long term damage.  A broken valve spring can
>allow the valve retainer to come loose.  That will allow the valve to come
>down and dance around on top of your piston.  Can you carry a new engine
>back from the UK?  If so, go ahead and run the car.  If not, stop now and
>wait until you get the parts to fix it.  Its not worth the risk.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Paul Mitchell <>
>To: Triumphs <>
>Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 9:25 AM
>Subject: Mysterious clicking-broken spring
> >
> > I found it! After sending my last email, I nipped back into the garage
> > for one more look, and spotted it. The valve spring is broken (on the
> > adjacent valve - I think that was a red herring). So now... I am going
> > to the UK on boxing day, at which point I can buy all the spares I need.
> > Until then, I would like to keep running the car. Am I likely to do any
> > long term damage by running a PI TR6 with a broken valve spring for 3
> > weeks?
> >
> > Please say no!
> >
> > Paul
> > Cape Town


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