If this list were to become a UseNet newsgroup:
1) A large number of folks will lose access to it - especially if your
employer is your ISP (who wants to be the first one in line to ask your
employer to add a car group to the newsgroups they carry?)
2) You will lose the convenience of being able to save email messages to a
mail folder of Triumph information. You can, of course, harvest information
from a news reader in various ways, but it's not nearly as easy as plunking
it in an email directory.
3) You will lose the ability to easily "go on digest" if you're going to be
away from your computer for any length of time.
4) You'll lose the immediacy of email communication.
5) While it's possible to require registration before someone is allowed to
post to a newsgroup, and it's possible to have a moderator to weed out the
unacceptable messages, doing so eliminates virtually any advantage there
might be in going to Usenet.
Jim Hill
Madison WI