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To: "Triumphs List" <>, "Spitfires List" <>
Subject: Missing?
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 10:15:53 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"

Earlier this month, some yobs broke into my little cottage and, as the the
saying goes, 'turned it over' big time. As I don't have money under the
floorboards or mattresses or the Crown Jewels upstairs, they left
empty-handed. However, while here, they made one helluva mess and I've a
sneaky feeling two or possibly three people may not have got the books they
ordered from me. I know for sure that I picked up mail waiting for me which
contained checks the evening before I was "done" but I had to go out
immediately afterwards and was unable to code the names and addresses. If
you've ordered a book from me but have not received it, please let me know.
Apologies for the delay but everywhere has taken a lot of sorting out.

John Mac

Book 1:
Book 2:
Triumph Over Triumph magazine:

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