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RE: TR4 Head Problem

Subject: RE: TR4 Head Problem
From: "Gregory Petrolati" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 17:38:16 PDT

>From: Tony Rhodes <>
>Reply-To: Tony Rhodes <>
>To: Brian Sanborn <>,Triumph List 
>Subject: RE: TR4 Head Problem
>Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 20:05:41 -0400
>>This has me really bummed.   I thought that I was doing the right 
thing by
>>having the valve inserts done.  I have taken this week off to 
>>the car and now I am stalled.   The machine shop guy is on vacation 
>>Disneyland with his family and won't be back until Monday the 
26th.  But
>>unless he rips out the exhaust seats and redoes them... if that's
>>possible... I'm stuck.   I could have my backup head done 
instead.... but
>IMHO, you were doing the right thing.  If done properly, the seats 
will last longer
>than the natural cat iron seats.  This guy screwed up the job by 
reaming too deeply
>for the new seats, or the new seats were thinner than he had 
>It can be rectified.  Maybe there are thicker seats.  He might have 
to go through
>the effort of boring out the old ones, then heating the head up hot 
and replacing
>metal in the bored out seats, then re-boring to the correct depth.  
>to say, this ought to be free since it is his mistake.
>I am always worried about how much effort they put in making it 
right.  I
>think they may just do a quick and dirty job so it will get out the 
door.  I'd
>consider taking it to another place and having them fix it at his 
>Needless to say the original guy will not go for that.  As long as 
you can trust
>him to fix it right........

  Not to be throwing salt in the wound... I would wonder how the new 
seats have impacted on the chamber wall thickness... I thought the 
casting was somewhat thin in that location and the machinist had to 
go very carefully for fear of cutting into a water passage that is 
just on the other side of the metal.

My take is the machinist screwed up... he should make it right... 
even if it means getting you a new head... and paying for someone 
else to do the job...

  Greg Petrolati

Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois 
1962 TR4 (CT4852L) 
That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory... 

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